Comparative Adjudication Systems Project

Comparative Adjudication Systems Project

The NAWCJ undertakes the comparative study and compilation of state litigation and adjudication practices.

Comparative analysis of state workers’ compensation programs is, of course, a time-honored tradition, and is currently undertaken by the WCRI (in partnership with the IAIABC), the U.S Chamber of Commerce, and private companies like the International Risk Management Institute (IRMI). All of these comparisons focus, for the most part, on the substantive and cost aspects of workers’ compensation programs. What is not undertaken in these studies is a cataloging of procedural aspects of the law and the nuances of litigation and adjudication.

The NAWCJ initiative is to research, organize, tabulate, and then keep updated information on all workers’ compensation programs relative to procedure, litigation, and adjudication. You will find our studies posted on this website.

For more information, or to alert us to errors or omissions, contact Judge David Torrey, Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry, Pittsburgh, PA. Contact:

Article #1: Authority for Admissibility of Medical Reports Comments, Findings, and a Fifty-State Chart

Article #2: Finality of Fact-Finding Among States: Introduction and Tables

Article #3: Compromise Settlements: Comments and a Fifty-State Chart (forthcoming)

Article #4: Firefighter Cancer Presumption Statutes in Workers’ Compensation and Related Laws: An Introduction and a Statutory/Regulatory/ Case Law Table.

Article #5: Workers’ Compensation Carve-Outs

Article #6: WCJ’s: Numbers, Appointment, Terms

Article #7: State Workers’ Compensation Laws which Feature Mediation Provisions